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By David H. Urmann
Need a faster, easier way to send out notifications and other information? Discover the fast, costless way to do it effectively.
Bulk text messaging sends a single text message to several people at a single time. It eliminates the hassle of composing the same message repeatedly and sending it one by one to the concerned parties. These messages are sent instantly in real time.
Free online text services are very convenient in bulk sending messages. It will be expensive to do so using mobile phones as telecommunications companies charge per message sent.
Bulk messaging is a cheaper yet effective means of marketing. It is often used by businesses to mass send promotional advertisements and other marketing information. For example, it could announce the anniversary promo sale of certain items.
Airline companies routinely use bulk texting services to notify passengers of flight cancellations, scheduled delays and all general information pertaining to a booked reservation. This is a cost-efficient way of notifying customers about pertinent information regarding their flight.
In media, bulk text messaging is useful in disseminating current important incidences that the public should know. It could help gather a crowd for a very important rally, for one.
Marketing innovations have taken advantage of the SMS technology for faster and better way of reaching clients and prospects. Commercial adverts which come in as text alerts inform the general public of a new product or service offering. Mobile marketing works to supplement traditional print and broadcast media efforts. It also is an effective motivator and can be done simultaneously with email and other internet marketing efforts. And because bulk texting is freely available from a PC, you literally spend almost nothing and only require a few minutes to type a brief text info alert message.
Bulk texting can be used to motivate a team. If your team is on a difficult project, it won’t hurt to give them a bit of pep talk. If you can’t spare the time to call for a meeting, send them a text message. Free bulk texting is a great way to let them know you care and you’re with them. And since people are rarely caught dead without their cell phones, you can be sure everyone receives your motivational message.
There is a bulk text messaging feature in mobile phones, but in this case, a user is charged per message. So for example one sends a message to one hundred different numbers, he will be charged one hundred times the rate per message sent.
This is quite expensive for some people or a company. And this is the main reason why free bulk texting is introduced. This is mostly offered online by several websites who also wish to increase traffic in their sites. After all, many people are drawn to freebies. And when these freebie lovers enter the site, it will be easy to attract them to other goods and services offered.
Bulk texting reaches hundreds, even thousands of local mobile phone numbers at the touch of a button in practically no time at all. From anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world, it’s all at your fingertips. Keeping in touch and staying connected has never been this easy.
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